Harry's Homilies
About the Book
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Many people like to know about the book and the author. The review from a St. Louis Newspaper included here will tell you a little about the book and Dr. Knopf.


Here is where I get a chance to tell you a little about myself and the book. For the past 30 years, I have practiced medicine as a Comprehensive (General) Ophthalmologist. I have treated babies, children, young adults, mature adults and elderly individuals. These wonderful patients have allowed me to become part of their lives. I have been privileged to know things about them that many others do not. Indeed, it is these encounters which have brought about many of these philosophical kernels of truth which I have dubbed: Harry’s Homilies. They have come to me as I conversed with patients themselves or as I drove to and from the hospital.

In 1994, our local medical journal (St. Louis Metropolitan Medicine) gave me the opportunity to publish them each month. I am grateful to the journal's staff and my medical colleagues for encouraging me to collect these into a book. Although some of the thoughts are directly applicable to medical care, I hope they will stir all of the readers to think anew about the various subjects I have addressed. Perhaps one of these pages will change one person, help solve one problem, or bring on a smile. If that happens, the project definitely will have been worth it!.

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